I'm participating in Ladies Who Jump and raising money to put children’s gardens in disadvantaged communities, so that young people can access healthy food, feel safe in beautiful, healing environments, and learn empowering life skills. Let’s do this! We can build the society of our dreams- let’s build a world where poverty and despair dissolve, where inspiration wins. To do my part, I’m going to strip off in the dead of winter and jump into into the icy mid-winter waters of lutruwita / Tasmania for your donations to 24 Carrot, Saturday 2 July. And I won’t be jumping alone: ladies all around lutruwita / Tasmania will jump for this wonderful cause. All money raised goes to the 24 Carrot Gardens Project, a charity that builds kitchen gardens in disadvantaged schools. So please, sponsor me to take my kit off for the kids. One cold jump for womankind, one huge cheque for charity.
Congrats Kirsha